Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Why Projcts Fail in Airbus-A380 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Why Projcts Fail in Airbus-A380 - Essay Example However, these constraints can also be properly addressed through the right management process. The work at hand tries to elaborate this point. However, crucial to this analysis is the inclusion of important aspects or components of the modern management theory. The modern management theory has a significant link to the actual explanation of the failure associated with the Airbus A380 project. For this reason, the work at hand also includes the common approaches involved in the modern management approaches. However, more than this, the factors in modern management theory is necessary for inclusion because the entire discussion pertains more to the actual factors involved in the failure of Airbus A380 project. Airbus A380 project is a highly technical project, but its nature has nothing to do with the prevailing thought regarding the right implementation of the factors involved in the modern management theory. For this reason, the work at hand has significantly included the remarkable thought concerning on how planning, coordination, organising, command or communication and control should be critically considered in the case. This is the rationale of the work at hand and in order to implement this, the actual problems faced by Airbus A380 project prior to its failure were critically discussed. The actual strength of the analysis lies on the point that the work at hand has remarkably consulted various reliable academic articles as the bases of the argument. However, the limitation lies on the fact that there are only few studies trying to reflect on the kind of problems or failure that Airbus A380 project faced. For this reason, another substantial feature of the discussion reflects on the ability of the proponent to intuitively relate the prevailing concepts linked to the modern management theory and the case of Airbus A380 project failure. Moreover, the main argument in the paper lies on the point that

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