Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Complaint letter (Analysis of a unsatisfactory experience with a Essay

Complaint letter (Analysis of a unsatisfactory experience with a company) - Essay Example As a result of this situation created by your establishment, I was forced to seek for a cheaper accommodation in the nearby town, a situation that led in the delay of the opening of the International Orphan Conference I was supposed to attend. In fact, to state that I was subjected to a psychological and emotional torture accompanied with an outstanding public embarrassment would be an understatement. As it has been the custom, over the years I have had countless satisfying stays in your hotel located in San Francisco, a convenient place for the nature of programs that we hold within and outside the states. Prior booking has also been the most convenient business method between the hotel management and me until the recent event. As you can imagine, the experience went way below my expectations with much consideration of the huge amount of money that I spent in your facilities during the numerous visits. In addition, I have played a huge role in encouraging my friends to use your facilities for conveniences as it was the case before this disappointing incidence. In the light of this, I am not certain if I will ever feel comfortable seeking services from your establishment. As such, I humbly request for a thorough investigation to be conducted involving the accommodation arrangement to establish why I encountered such an embarrassing situation even after I had booked a room and paid for one of the most important events I was to attend. Furthermore, I would recommend that legal and ethical actions should be taken against the culprits to swiftly curb and/or reverse this worrying trend and resolve the grossly appalling issue. To be honest, your response to my concerns will highly determine on the further action I will take. If you have any further clarification or questions, you can contact me via md@kleenchildfoundation.uk .Thank you in advance for your prompt

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